Welcome note here, disclaimer or rules.. whatever.

This 13years old boy's full name is aMaS
also knowned as Ah Mas
He came in cold, covered in blood on 30th June 1997.
Has been growing since then, & is about 1.7m in height now.
You can e-mail & msn him at ice_yee@hotmail.com
An ex Bukit Viewer & PROUD of it.
He's a Singaporean, so naturally speaks SINGLISH.


hates O

waNteD >.<
Leg Recovered on time for my match in march!!! Find a new stead.... More freedom.... New basketball shoes.... Dnt Get hurt AGAIN!!!!!

Taggie N

Designer- Maddie
Pictures- 1 2
Brushes- DeviantART
Image programme- Gimp!
Image uploader- Photobucket

Jukie Boxie N

Past matches


nth 2 do ?
click! -------->
jamiejam715965 got their 
             Neopet at http://www.neopets.com

Friday, November 28, 2008
Yo... i m bak so sorry abt a few days ago i nvr post cos busy n i jus came bak from vietnam . at vietnam a little bit fun only, i went to th lime stone cave at viet. th cave hav a stone lyk dragon head . th weather at ther was dam cb cold . at ther i share a rm wif my fren name "ting hui" he a little sot sot de, he kip on 'busiiuiuiui ' making th sound of fighting a war lyk dat . haha . N on th way bak at airport ther is guy sitting beside me farted n me joel laugh lyk hell n i created a song "wat th fuck is dis , i m not childish , th man beside me , farted very smelly !! hahah!

I Played @ 9:56 PM

Friday, November 14, 2008
hiii... today we hav abt 1 hour recess n me n my frens went to play basketball at th basketball court , we play n play n dhen we saw yi chieng coming towards th court n we r trying to dunk so ho rei , yi chieng , arvind , xiao ming , ken zi n me can dunk n i only dunk 1 in n i SO HAPPY..... WOO !!!!! n after dhat i go hm n shower n go bak to sch wait for jun heng n edlyn n after dhat edlyn jus had her thinking skill done n she go hm dhen after dhat she cme down dhen we go tqt to West Mall playy arcade... dhen dat 王八蛋 jun heng go sabo me cos edlyn wans to play ddr n oni she knows how to play dhen jn heng go sabo me let i idiot standing there lyk idiot -.- !!!!!!! dhen i today break record i can shoot 303 balls in th hoops at th street basketball machine n i today saw a lot of bukit viewer at arcade !!!! dhats all for today !!!! hope u will lyk it !!!! ;D bye ! ;D hahs

I Played @ 6:29 PM

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Yo .... i m bak . lol . today i whole day playing poker "taiti" n "21" wif deron , jun heng n shao peng . we had annual prize giving ceremony n our sch band got perform their song VERY NICE . i th whole day so happy cos i no nid to do work only after sch th zuo wen ban still nid to do work . -.- !!! ~WOO i dis sat n sun go dye my hair light brown . lol . but i scare after dye~ing i still nid to go to sch for 3 days scared kea scolded . ~WOO TMR GOING TO WEST MALL PLAY ARCADE ;D . dhats all for today !!! hope u lyk it !!! ;D bye .

I Played @ 6:02 PM

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Yo... today i went to bill shop to buy a psp keychain n it is not lyk the circle wan !!
Siannz today hav nth to say much...
byebye hahs ;D

I Played @ 6:19 PM