Welcome note here, disclaimer or rules.. whatever.

This 13years old boy's full name is aMaS
also knowned as Ah Mas
He came in cold, covered in blood on 30th June 1997.
Has been growing since then, & is about 1.7m in height now.
You can e-mail & msn him at ice_yee@hotmail.com
An ex Bukit Viewer & PROUD of it.
He's a Singaporean, so naturally speaks SINGLISH.


hates O

waNteD >.<
Leg Recovered on time for my match in march!!! Find a new stead.... More freedom.... New basketball shoes.... Dnt Get hurt AGAIN!!!!!

Taggie N

Designer- Maddie
Pictures- 1 2
Brushes- DeviantART
Image programme- Gimp!
Image uploader- Photobucket

Jukie Boxie N

Past matches


nth 2 do ?
click! -------->
jamiejam715965 got their 
             Neopet at http://www.neopets.com

Sunday, March 28, 2010
hii..... lets start frm thursday....me and yoke ming went to old shelter to play
basketball and thn we play like 3 plus played until at night 9 plus that zao
at there i saw de li and his friends came and lend ball that is ask him, eh
u dnt rmb me liao arh?? then he ohhhhh u are andy the who the who cousin
arh hahah....damn funny... thn play finish liao abt to go home both leg cramp
like siao that must tahan until westmall th specs shp which i hope it didnt
close but when i got there....it alrdy close liao thn wasted to walk so fast
somemore with both leg cramp.... thn fri we have sports day!! early in the
morning must go and squeeze th stupid 188 to clementi stadium....thn reach
there liao do nth just sit ther watch only!!! might as well dnt come!! sianz thn
today we have a competition at international community school luh.... damn
tired luh 6.30 waked up thn get prepared thn go clementi station go find coach
and we alrdy late...got there kena scolding...-.-....than todays match we played
all like shit sia...want us to play unfamiliar tactic!!! how to do!!! WTF!!! sianz sia
thn we play until half-way all like going to faint like that thn i am th first wan to be sub of th court luh....cos i was like abt to faint liao....than first 3 match lose luh then coachsay wat take today as a lesson learned....sianz sia all there is sec 2 only we are sec 1 somemore the whole team for under 15!!! F***....then after th match go cc play awhile then no strength liao go eat lunch then went home take a bathe that lie on bed that just like that sleep liao :P hahah....then sleep until 8 plus....then waked up...then now 1 plus try to write this blog despite i am damn bloody tired liao after chatting with josephine....now is damn tired !!! my eyes is shutting!!! tmr goin queensway to see abt basketball items with yoke ming luh.....aiya i buay tahan liao lah.....need to get some rest if not monday go sch sure cannot wake up....got to zao liao....byee.....:)

I Played @ 1:40 AM

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Hii i am back just recovered from hurt... hahah. today is th most funniest
day sia, the maths teacher go and say say thn say herself bitchy if she keep
nagging all the way through and at mother tougue class, me, ping kuan and
perrie keep playing a thing that i created to disturb people luh, it was actually
that when every wed,we are supposed to wear tie and uniform thn we will like
walk close to the person that we want to disturb thn ltr suddenly pull his/her
tie frm bottom thn u will feel like fear or anything that will block mah, thn
we played among each other, sianz liao thn i decided that we played on girls luh,
thn ping kuan like to disturb niki and he went up to niki and suddenly put her
tie, she scream like hell and thn she was like freaked out luh, thn after that
me and perrie laughed th loudest and thn after that i went hm luh, bathe and
thn go oasis play pool.... after that go hm thn open comp that chat at facebook luh thn i thought niki will tell josephine abt this thn i ask josephine whether she
know thn she say she dnt knw thn i told her and when she heard also like freaked
out luh....i wonder wat will she do when we do on her??? cos today didnt get
to do luh.....-.- hahah....thn at chinese class, cher ask niki to say a speech of
something and niki replied to cher that she cant talk as she is goin to put braces
luh cos very pain.this is wat she told me luh.... damn funny... the cher also laugh
until almst cried out luh!!!TODAY IS THE MOST FUN DAY!!!!
i will stop at here luh cos later niki saw my blog she is goin to KILL ME!!!
hahah....hope u will laugh like siao also hahah....byebye....:)

I Played @ 9:15 PM